Imported News

Cine Tele -update2

Been a week since the bug on Cine_Tele 2,3,4 have been reported but yet no fix have been roll out. The bug disallow users without rights to use the tele. This is the case throughout any type of rooms be it a group room or a non-group room. The screen shot below shows the use button for teleport 2 gone for a user without rights.

Teleport affected:




credits: desativaado.ban[for image]

14 replies on “Cine Tele -update2”

Could'v easily just had one tele and we can change the number on it, rather than having four separate teles. Shameless attempt at getting us to spend credits.

I first thought about this, however any furniture which has a changeable number usually has more than two states, teleports will only have open and closed states for going in and out of the teleport.

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