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More Xmas 2013 codes + new icon




quests.xmas2013.title=Advent Calendar 2013 1
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.desc=Help Santa find the door of his Workshop, Time to get to work!
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.hint=Some people say that Santa only works one night a year, but that's not true. He works at least one month in advance! How ever long it is, he can't remember which one is the door to his Workshop. When you find it, say "Santa's workshop?" However, it won't be easy to get inside. Santa's Gnomes have lost the keys of the Workshop. Coincidence? A protest? Who knows...'s Doors
quests.xmas2013_1.xmas2013_1.chaincaption=Santa's Workshop
quests.xmas2013_1.xmas2013_1.chaininfo=Santa has to work hard to craft this year's gifts, but the snow has hidden his workshop entrance. Help him to find it. 2

quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.desc=Santa's Workshop keys were thrown into the iced lake.
quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.hint=Was it on purpose? There is no time to look for someone to blame. The only way to break the thick ice is skating until you break it! keys are in the lake
quests.xmas2013_2.xmas2013_2.chaincaption=Santa's Keys to work
quests.xmas2013_2.xmas2013_2.chaininfo=The keys are one of those things that might be right in front of you and you will never see them. Start searching now!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.desc=I think I saw something blinking in the deep water!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.hint=This is the 3rd day that Santa can't work at crafting this year's gifts. The keys of his workshop are still lost in the water. Check the holes in the ice to see if you can finally get them. Don't forget to use a Torch to throw some light on it! Black Hole 3
quests.xmas2013_3.xmas2013_3.chaincaption=Santa missed 3 days
quests.xmas2013_3.xmas2013_3.chaininfo=Gnomes are fun guys, but it's no fun when we are talking about missing our Christmas gifts!
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.desc=You are almost ready to open Santa's Workshop!
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.hint=You just need to swim in the cold water until you get the keys and Santa's Snow Flakes. for the keys 4
quests.xmas2013_4.xmas2013_4.chaincaption=Santa's brave Habbos
quests.xmas2013_4.xmas2013_4.chaininfo=Maybe in your country you are in summer, but in Santa's village it's so cold it hurts. Nevertheless, we still need you swimming!
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.desc=We need fire to warm your pixels and start Santa's Workshop.
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.hint=Generate enough fire to start Santa's Workshop or he won't be on time for Christmas. The Gnomes keep on messing around by trying to get the room to freezing and hiding the few gifts Santa has already made. up the Workshop 5
quests.xmas2013_5.xmas2013_5.chaincaption=Santa starts working
quests.xmas2013_5.xmas2013_5.chaininfo=The first thing Santa needs is fire: to warm your pixels and craft gifts. 6
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.desc=The Gnomes have hidden some of Santa's gifts in the Saint Nicholas tradition.
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.hint=Saint Nicholas usually leaves gifts in shoes. The Gnomes are bothering Santa by hiding his gifts in some specific slippers. Come to Santa's Workshop room and dig into the available shoes for your avatar in "My Clothes" tab. Only one kind has the gifts inside. Gifts
quests.xmas2013_6.xmas2013_6.chaincaption=Traitor Gnomes?
quests.xmas2013_6.xmas2013_6.chaininfo=Gnomes say that Saint Nicholas is a better boss than Santa. Gifts are being compromised again! 7
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.desc=The Gnomes have reacted to St. Nicholas refusal and have hidden more gifts.
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.hint=The Gnomes have reacted badly to the news that Saint Nicholas has said that he doesn't want to hire them. They have now lost one gift in one of the heads on the wall. Dress like that and you'll find it. We can only hope that the Gnome fashion doesn't become trendy for this year's celebrations. Trend Setters
quests.xmas2013_7.xmas2013_7.chaincaption=Gnome Fashion
quests.xmas2013_7.xmas2013_7.chaininfo=The Gnomes have reacted badly to the news that Saint Nicholas has said that he doesn't want to hire them. 8
quests.xmas2013_8.penguin.desc=They got the idea of the Gnomes working for St Nicholas.
quests.xmas2013_8.penguin.hint=They know where you can find some of the hidden gifts. But first, they want to know who forced you to dress like a Gnome. Just tell them that info and you'll get more Snow Flakes to be exchanged in the Snow Flake Shop. Note: Penguins are almost deaf. Trick
quests.xmas2013_8.xmas2013_8.chaincaption=Penguins Complicity
quests.xmas2013_8.xmas2013_8.chaininfo=Gnomes never act alone. The idea of working for St. Nicholas came from the Penguins.

Penguin back and old furni and snowflakes

landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.body=My true love sent to me; a penguin in a blossom tree! Back for a limited time, get your Christmas furni before it melts away.
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.button=Link to old xmas furni
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.header=On the first day of Christmas...

landing.view.xmas13polarbear.body=Remember: Polar Bears are for life, not just for Christmas! With toys and accessories galore, your new four-pawed, gentle giant will have everything he could want! Head over to Christmas shop now...
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.button=Polar Bear in XMAS Shop
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.header=Choo Choo: Polar Bear Express
landing.view.xmas13quest.body=Help Santa get all the gifts ready for Christmas on time. For every day you help him you will get Snowflakes. Exchange them in the Snowflakes Gifts Shop.
landing.view.xmas13quest.button=Solve today's Quest
landing.view.xmas13quest.header=Advent Calendar 2013
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.body=Join in our fun-filled Christmas quests and save Christmas! Completed quests earn Snowflakes, which you can exchange for AWESOME furni! Spend them before they melt...
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.button=Snowflake Shop
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.header=Snowflakes are back!

More quests codes have: %amount% to Shop Furni Furni
quests.seasonalcalendar.rareteaser.header=Unlocked Items

quests.seasonalcalendar.rareteaser.images=xmas13_rareteaser_1.png,xmas13_rareteaser_2.png,xmas13_rareteaser_3.png days until next unlock


it's a building icon

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