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PIXELBLITZ - Valentines


PixelBlitz is back again! We’re well into the new year and it’s already Valentines territory!

PixelBlitz is a graphics competition Puhekupla runs for all of our budding pixel artists out there to take part in to challenge themselves to create better and better graphics. Once all our entries are in, we give you guys, the community, a shortlist of some of the best and let you vote to show us who you really think deserves the prize!

The winner of PixelBlitz scores some really cool prizes! This month we're giving away Puhekupla VIP, which allows them to have extra features on their homepage such as Twitter, YouTube and more notes. VIP members also get a cool badge to show off on their homepage.

The winner will also get a special badge for their profile. Runners up who make it to the voting stages get a runners up badge too, for the first time ever!

The theme for Valentines 2014 is "Carl and his Valentine’s date!”
This is all about Carl and his romantic date with his special someone. Check out and enter now!

I really can’t wait to see all your fantastic entries.

LiquefiedFilth, already feeling the love…

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