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Is the game centre going bye-bye? -update2: It is going bye-bye!

Edit 2: An article has been released on all hotels about the closure of the Game centre, read it in English below

Habbo Hotel’s third party Game center shuts down March 2014

Habbo Hotel has decided to close the Game center where third party game providers have been able to promote their games. However, the Game center’s games can still be played until 31st March 2014.

The decision to close down the Game center is a part of an overall plan to improve the Habbo experience. After reviewing feedback from users, we found that although many of the third party games were very successful, they were seen as distractions to some players due to their varied graphical styles.

The look of the Habbo Hotel is very special and over the years the Community has remained faithful to its original graphic style, which stays as fresh and as loved now as it was in 1999. We plan to continue acknowledging this fact and develop Habbo accordingly!

NOTE: Habbo Stories is NOT a part of the Game Center, and will CONTINUE to be open!!!

We hope you had great fun with the games and you’ll continue having even more fun in the millions of beautiful rooms created by Habbos around the world. Keep on Habbo´in!

Habbo Staff

On the morning of 24th January, users from Habbo France noticed that the game-data code for their hotel had been changed and had implemented a new info box onto the game centre, of which notified users about the closure of the gaming hub from March 31st, one day before April fools day. The message went on to say that these games are non-refundable and to keep this in mind if the user is to spend more credits into those games. We have the code ourselves below, translated from French to English.

gamecenter.game_info.text=Le centre de jeux sera fermé à partir du 31 mars 2014. Tu pourras encore jouer à ces jeux jusqu'à cette date. Les crédits des jeux ne sont pas remboursables, tu devras donc les utiliser avant le 31 mars 2014. Amuse-toi, mais garde bien ceci à l'esprit si tu achètes de nouveaux crédits pour ces jeux !

gamecenter.game_info.text = Game Center will be closed from 31 March 2014. You can still play these games to date. Appropriations games are not refundable, so you should use them before 31 March 2014. Have fun, but keep this well in mind if you buy new credits for these games!

That's not all either, a while after the code was added it was then removed from the game centre & an article was published on a completely different hotel, A while after publishing, this too was removed. The article is translated below.

"Habbo Hotel has decided to close the Games section, in which third parties have been able to promote your games. The games are playable till 31 March 2014. Games closing is part of a program aimed at improving the user experience in Habbo. Thanks to our users' feedback showed that although some of the games has been popular, as they are still perceived as disturbing because of its visual identity. Habbo graphic image is special, and the Habbo community has remained true to the original expression on over the years, and that is as fresh and loved as it was back in 1999. This is not to be ignored when developing Habbo always better! We hope that you have enjoyed the games and your experiences that will be in Habbo are even better, with all the magnificent rooms! Habboilua nice! Habbo staff"

Puhekupla is unsure what games will be affected from the closure, or if they're planning to remove the whole thing as one. We'll try to keep you updated on happenings of this. Could this be a bad april fools? Would Habbo really tell its users to avoid spending credits in the game centre? Post your thoughts and comments below, tell us what you think of the game centre.

9 replies on “Is the game centre going bye-bye? -update2: It is going bye-bye!”

I hope they delete all the ugly games from habbo except for snowstorm.. I still hope for a update where you can make your own game and teams and time..

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