Imported News

State of the Habbo economy

The official Habbo blog, published an article talking about the guidelines campaign staff follow when releasing furniture back into the shop, you can read this below.

Hello! My name is CrazyAceOne and I’m one of many people working behind the scenes to bring you new furni and fun campaigns. I’m going to try something that’s never been done by Habbo before (at least I don’t think it has). I’m going to share some marketplace stats and insider information to help all my trader friends out there to make better choices.

As you may know, the trade value of items are closely linked to the supply and demand of that item in the hotel. For that reason we are careful about the frequency in which we sell items in the catalog. Here are the guidelines we use to help us decide how things should be rotated into the catalog:

Catalogue Furni – These items are always on sale. We refer to these as permanent lines, but we’ve also heard Habbos call them “Norms”. The purpose of these items is to make sure there is an infinite supply of basic building blocks to make cool rooms. Builders club is based on a similar concept, but with a greater feeling of being limitless. We really want our builders to have the tools they need to make cool rooms!
Seasonal Campaign Furni – These items enter the shop, typically for a 2 or 3 weeks at a time. Once the campaign has ended we avoid selling them again for 4-12 months in order to leave window for the trade shops and marketplace to build businesses around them. The purpose of these items is mainly to fuel our creative builders with unique stuff and reward those who participate in the festivities. These are also a good opportunity for traders because the supply is somewhat limited. The semi-limited supply allows for some “treasure hunt” style fun for our builder Habbos to find those bits and pieces to perfect a room design.
Rare Furni – There are many types of rares such as Rare Prizes, Bonus Rares, Campaign Rares and Loyalty Rares. These furni are only available for a limited time and will not be re-released. These are mainly for the collectors and traders out there. Rares are a good opportunity for traders since the supply will not go up and in many cases will go down or consolidate as users collect or use them in designs.
LTD Rare Furni – A special type of rare, which comes in a limited quantity. We couldn’t exceed the quantity limit if we wanted to! There is also an item number on each LTD making them truly unique.
Rare Credit Furni – An interesting class of rare. These have an exchange value for credits which make the trading values stable, but since they are sold in limited quantities they are also rare and over time become more rare as some supply is converted back to credits.
Bonus Rare – A relatively new rare to the Habbo Marketplace, Bonus Rares are acquired for every 120c a Habbo purchases. Bonus Rares are released twice monthly, typically on the 1st and the 15th, and, as with other rares, will never rereleased.
We know furni values are very important to Habbos and so we do our best to maintain a healthy economy. We do this by limiting how often items are available in the catalogue in order to give our traders the opportunity to run shops and use the marketplace. That said, an economy with over 250k Habbos trading every month is clearly not possible to control entirely. Even if we could completely manage all the values, I’m not sure you’d want us to. Its much more fun if things stay market driven.For example, when re-selling a campaign line, we often see comments in forums such as “why are these back on sale, are no prices safe?”. The truth is that there is an item with a very safe and stable trade value – credit furni. The safe and stable price of credit furni allows it to function well as a unit of exchange, but it doesn’t leave much opportunity for profit and that’s not fun. The fluctuating aftermarket values actually allow for opportunities to trade and profit and the market driven forces ensure that those values are relevant to the demand in your local hotel.

As promised, here are some Marketplace Stats you might find interesting…

In 2013 over 1.2 million items were traded in the marketplace with a total trade value of 13 million credits! The amount of items traded in rooms is many times more than this. Below you’ll find the top 10 items traded in marketplace by value (price * quantity) and number of trades.


Tell us what you think. Did you enjoy this post? If you’d like to see more posts and stats like this in the future, please share your comments.



Over 1.2 million items traded last year on the Marketplace, that's a crazy amount! It equals out to on average, 3288 items per day! So what about you guys, tell us if you've been affected by furni re-releases in the comments below.

One reply on “State of the Habbo economy”

"and, as with other rares, will never rereleased." Yeah.. I remember them saying that for other rares (&back than collectibles).

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