Imported News

New inventory codes, promo images & a Habbo video! -update2

Various codes have been uploaded today.

The first code allows us to make our own e-cards in Habbo (possibly to send to your friends?) You can see this code below.

inventory.create_own_card=Make own card


The second two codes relate to the deletion of wall items in your Habbo rooms, you can too see this below.

inventory.remove.external_image_wallitem_body=You are going to delete this item and cannot get it back. If you just want to remove from wall use pick up.
inventory.remove.external_image_wallitem_header=Are you sure?

The third lot of codes today announce the release of spa rares that are soon to hit the hotel, Puhekupla shall update you on this.

landing.view.sparares.body=Only available for 6-8 hours, you certainly won't want to miss these relaxing rares...
landing.view.sparares.button=Check it out
landing.view.sparares.header=Health Spa Rares!

Update: Love virus hits the hotel (official Habbo youtube video!)

Habbo TVs have started broadcasting this 'emergency transmission' on hotels all around the world, you can see this emergency broadcast below.

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