Imported News

Leave group changes

An update was deployed recently that allows you to now leave a group without being sent to the groups homeroom. This will allow you to defeat those pesky auto-kickers and leave that selected group badge without any problems. This too, also could cause problems for Habbo armies, and businesses that request for a user to join a badge before entry.

Are you happy you can finally leave those groups you couldn't possibly before - or did you too have one of those auto-kicking group rooms? We want to know your thoughts, post them in the comments.

9 replies on “Leave group changes”

Funnily enough I mentioned this on twitter about a week before they added it. Not saying they added it because of me at all, but it was added at a really convenient time. A long overdue change to be honest.

At last! I have been a member of a group that I was 'banned' from.. owner wanted me to pay rares for them to kick me out! Thank god Habbo has finally brought this out.

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