Imported News

Fairytale furniture?

Article promo images were uploaded today for Habbo Stories new campaign which show images of possible future furniture. These featured furniture include new benches, swings, trees and statues. As well as new furniture, the image also shows a possible new effect - which is enhanced fairy wings, completely different from the old wings released in 2011.

You can check out these images below yourself.

Thanks to Habtium for extracting the furniture from the promo images :-)

8 replies on “Fairytale furniture?”

Looks actually pretty good, tree should be larger but still.

[i]Psst.. They are called Habtium, not Habbos anymore[/i]

Es [b]Habtium[/b], hostia, HAB-TIUM. Que parece que la gente ya no se entera de que Habbos ya no existe. Fuck!

I typed Habbos because I don't know what is Habtium. ;) Problem?

Además, no se por qué os ponéis así por unos "furnis" inventados.

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