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Habbo to limit amount of dice in room!

On the 18th February, codes were uploaded to the servers which cast a black cloud over casinos and betting in Habbo. The codes release information that there shall soon be a limit on how many dice you can place in your room, this limit is unknown at the moment but sure doesn't look good for a lot of people. This event comes a year after disabled dice masters completely from their hotel.

We know one thing for certain, and that's that there'd be a massive uproar in the hotel and if it was to go ahead - its likely there'd be a walkout of many users. We also know the casino and betting sector is important to the economy on Habbo, it promotes the flow of coins and items from one person to another so that these don't stagnate. It's certain that everyone would be affected by this in one way or another, so leave your thoughts and check out the codes below.

The codes:{"display":"POP_UP"}{"display":"POP_UP"}

A smaller code was also uploaded today too, this releases information on ''akamai debugging''. We're not 100% sure what this could be for but a simple search of any web search engine teaches us Akamai is a cloud service.


9 replies on “Habbo to limit amount of dice in room!”

It's a legal thing: the service makes it possible for chance based competition without any disclaimers protecting. So it's not that surprising that they could be forced to limit this to avoid lawsuits.

finnaly a some good news, +
"it promotes the flow of coins and items from one person to another so that these don't stagnate" = coin shop, or you forgot about that 1?

this is a great thing i hate casinos always too many people spamming and scamming. finally we can have less booths so we can monitor people in our casinos.

hope it includes all dice.

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