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Carnival Codes + Image


landing.view.carnivalbundle.body=Do you dream of being part an exciting celebration? Well now you can - it's Carnival and Mardi time! Feel the energy of the parades with this jolly Carnival Room Bundle. Includes an EXCLUSIVE Porta Bandeira Statue and a very special Badge!
landing.view.carnivalbundle.button=Let the fun begin!
landing.view.carnivalbundle.header=Carnival Room Bundle
landing.view.carnivalfarewell.body=It's almost over, but we're not done yet! Let's say farewell to our Carnival adventure in partying! Wear your most creative Carnival or Mardi Gras look and try to get our attention. Amazing costumes equals awesome badge... It's today, from XX to XX. Are you gonna miss out on it?!
landing.view.carnivalfarewell.button=Come have fun!
landing.view.carnivalfarewell.header=Ballroom time!
landing.view.carnivalintro.body=If you're crazy about moving and shaking to the beat... If you are fascinated by huge colorful parades...Then Carnival is the place to be! Wear you best costume and get ready for some AWESOME Carnival & Mardi Gras activities! Check the schedule for latest events!
landing.view.carnivalintro.button=Check it out
landing.view.carnivalintro.header=Did you say Carnival?
landing.view.carnivalquiz.body=How much do you really know about Mardi Gras' history? Do you know about all of its peculiarities throughout the world? Show us you infinite Mardi Gras knowledge by taking our quiz. A gorgeous Badge will be waiting for you...
landing.view.carnivalquiz.button=Move your hips!
landing.view.carnivalquiz.header=Is Carnival your thing?
landing.view.carnivalroomcomp.body=There is no better way to get into the Carnival mood than building your own float! Choose one of the 10 rooms available, rent a nice space, check the Carnival catalogue for inspiration and let you imagination fly high! The best scored floats will get incredible prizes... Oh, feels like I'm in Rio right now...
landing.view.carnivalroomcomp.button=Get your space now!
landing.view.carnivalroomcomp.header=Carnival Float Room Competition


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