Furni Imported News

1 new furni found


9 replies on “1 new furni found”

He probably didn't even take it from you, as your image and the image provided in the article don't match (yours is cut at the sides)

If he doesn't use your image, he's not obligated to credit you :-)

Punt: He posted this post at 26-02-2014 18:26:50 and you comment on this post at 26-02-2014 19:17:14 if he taken the post from you it would of said Edit and the time would of been different, So don't think he got that picture from you.

nop... he hasn't used the [EDITED], he update the post with no update the title too. I posted there the post-it image 2 hours before he update the post with that.

BTW, in the next thing who i found and post in puhekupla, i will put a water marker. :)
Have more respect to you readers, Puhekupla.
(Sorry my bad english)

So they're adding all new types of stickies, yet they've completely ignored my request for an ALTERNATIVE to stickies, something which would actually be useful.

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