Imported News

Dalibundle, Organo furni codes and images

landing.view.dalibundle.body=In honor of the great artist, Salvador Dali, we have created a SURREAL DEAL on this dream-like room bundle, just for you! From waterfalls and butterflies, to soft seating for your guests to melt into…This awesome deal even includes an EXCLUSIVE badge! Available via direct purchase and credits.
landing.view.dalibundle.button=I want it!
landing.view.dalibundle.header=Melting pixels everywhere!


landing.view.organofurni.body=For a limited time, we are welcoming the Organo furni to the hotel. With funky shapes and groovy colors, you will feel like you are right inside a lava lamp! Don't relax too much, you might melt away… Available for Builders Club too!
landing.view.organofurni.button=Check it out!
landing.view.organofurni.header=Back for a limited time…Organo furni is here!


You can buy the bundle in the shop for 99 credits or on the credits page for $4.99
You can check the room in Habbo here

6 replies on “Dalibundle, Organo furni codes and images”

No shit!
Pls stop posting these links while they are standing in the codes...

I'm sure this "Organo" stuff was revealed aaages ago, wonder why it took them until now to release it.

The Organo furni WAS released years ago on normal habbo aswell, not just retros.
It doesn't say anywhere in the text that the organo furniture is NEW, it says they are WELCOMING the organo furni to the hotel, as in welcoming it back.

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