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Announcements galore!

Pssst, is anyone there?

Hope you guys are all ok! It’s been a long time since we all spoke and you got a blog post like this, so really, it’s good time for a new, big, exciting one. We’ve got a few things to tell you throughout this article so sit back and relax.

Puhekupla is no longer an official fansite.

It’s a shame but it’s an announcement we have to make. During the recent fansite submission campaign, Habbo asked the then current fansites to resubmit as well, something that has never been done before. Unfortunately, we as a fansite didn’t notice this and have therefore missed out this time. We still trust you guys will continue to use our fansite like you always have – we still have tons and tons of online guests and users every single minute. Thanks for all your supportive messages that have gone through to our emails, comments on other fansites’ news reports and even on twitter with tweets directly to Habbo themselves. It means a lot, your support is fantastic and heart-warming, so thank you. We’re lucky to have such a dedicated and diverse community.

Something big coming your way…

Summer 2014. Keep your eyes open.

Interested in management?

We’re always looking to expand at Puhekupla, so that’s why we’re going to start searching for another member of our management team. If you think you’d be interested in taking up a position with us, please register your interest by emailing [email protected]. Note, this is not an application; it’s simply for us to see who we’ll be able to work with the best before any official recruitment begins. Please include a little bit about yourself with your email so we know who we’re talking to.

We’re hiring!

It’s that time again and we’re looking for Designers and News Reporters from all walks of life and languages. Remember, we’re international and intend to remain that way, so that’s why we’re looking for new staff members.

If you think you’d like to have a go and join our brilliant team, please follow the template below and email [email protected].

- Real Name
- Puhekupla Username
- First Language
- Position interested in
- Why you should be part of the team
- Past experience (if any)
- Examples of your work
(For a designer, some of your graphics, quality over quantity! For a reporter, an example article on your topic of choice. Please don’t attach images, use an image uploading website.)

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Last but not least, a quick catch up!

Those of you who’ve won badges recently and have not received them, please don’t worry, they’ll be delivered quickly.

Wow, that was a lot to get through. Hope you’re all well and have a lovely Easter, we sure will, Joe loves chocolate.

Mark and Joe, already got our shades on…

One reply on “Announcements galore!”

It is fine To hear that you are still alive :p
I hope puhekupla wille be soon a official fansite :)

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