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New quests and images


quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401704393419.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401704393419.desc=Time to buy some tickets!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401704393419.hint=The tickets for the most awaited festival of the year are now on sale! Turn your laptop on to get the HabboPalooza ticket NOW! your laptop

quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705247803.completed=Good job! Get the next step done too to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705247803.desc=Oh, noes! The keyboard is broken!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705247803.hint=You better find another way to get to the HabboPalooza web page. Try the voice recognition, it might be working. recognition

quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705853298.completed=Yipee! You now have the ticket to enter the COOLEST Festival in Habbo: HabboPalooza is waiting for you!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705853298.desc=The ticket is almost yours!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705853298.hint=There you go! You almost have the ticket in your hand, just get 10 Ducks together to finally get it! 10 Ducks Time

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