Imported News

Habbo Beta is coming

Another day, another Beta-testing group in Habbo.
“What is it this time?!” we hear you typing frantically… Well, Habbos and gentlemen … *drum roll* …It’s the renewed Habbo Web platform!
A highly skilled team of coffee-fueled developers and designers have been hard at work creating the next generation of web platform for Habbo, and we are finally ready to release it into the wild!
Well, almost…We’re ready to start the next stages of closed beta-testing, which is why we need you!
We are randomly selecting a group of 100 lovely lab-rat Habbos, who have committed to spending the next week testing this new platform with us. The aim of this initial closed testing is to allow a smaller group of users to give us more targeted and direct feedback in these early stages.
Didn’t get selected this time? Don’t worry! We will have multiple phases of testing, so there will be plenty of chances to be chosen.
If you have any questions about this project, please refer to our Q&A below:

How were the users selected? / Why wasn’t I chosen?
This testing group has been randomly selected from Habbo users, accessing the .COM Hotel.

Can I sign up for future testing?
There are plenty of Beta-testing projects in the near future. If you are interested in joining us for future Beta-testing groups, keep your eyes peeled for azure articles and/or minimails with details of how to join.

What is ‘Habbo Web Platform?”
This project is to test the platform set to replace the current Habbo Web, which includes the 'me' page.
The renewal will not affect the current Habbo client.

When will the renewed web be launched?
Dependent on how closed beta and open beta testing phases go, we are hoping to launch sometime in December 2014!

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