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New codes!

landing.view.pegwing14.body=As part of World Animal Week, the mythical accesory for Habbo Horses will be on jumping sale for 24 hours starting on Saturday 27th. What are they? These magical Pegasus Wings give your horse extra power to complete your jumps!
landing.view.pegwing14.button=Find out more
landing.view.pegwing14.header=Pegasus Wings
landing.view.pegwing14.timer=Wings coming in

landing.view.petweek14.body=The 4th October is World Animal Day, but we thought one day is not enough! We want to start...World Animal Week! From 26 September to 6th October, you'll find discounts in Habbo Pets and AWESOME activities to do with animals!
landing.view.petweek14.button=Check it out
landing.view.petweek14.header=Let's Celebrate Animal Week!

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