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New codes (Habbowood)

landing.view.mm14oldfurni.body=All the way from Habbowood! From spotlights to Theatre chairs, this furni line gives you everything you need and more to create the wonders of the movie…in our own room! Available to buy until 22nd Nov
landing.view.mm14oldfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.mm14oldfurni.header=Lights, Camera, Habbowood furni
landing.view.mm14posters.body=They say imitation is the best form or flattery… and we agree! Back by popular demand; from 'Frosted' to the 'Ducket List', we've got all your favorites, plus lots of NEW ones too! Each poster will be sold for 24hrs, so make sure to check back everyday…
landing.view.mm14posters.button=See the posters
landing.view.mm14posters.header=Movie Magic Posters are here!
landing.view.mm14rareposter.body=New and exclusive! This AWESOME Movie Magic poster rare is available for a limited time of 24hrs, so make sure to watch the clock...
landing.view.mm14rareposter.button=See the posters
landing.view.mm14rareposter.header=Habbowood Posters Rares

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