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Habbo Web Beta: Open to all

Q: Why a New Web?

A: Whether you’re on a mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer, Habbo’s new scalable and cool looking web will streamline the experience for everyone, giving your rooms and creations lots more visibility through sharing!

Q: What is Beta?

A: Beta means that what you see now is a work in progress. We're working round the clock to fine tune the tools and features that will be added as we go along. We're looking forward to receiving feedback from you to ensure the most awesomely Habbtastic experience.

Q: What to expect from the future Web?

A: Fierce and fabulous stuff such as:

-Exciting feeds about your friend's activities and community updates.

-Ability to share your creations outside Habbo.

-Customizing your profile page to make it ever so "you".

-Managing your friends and groups.

-Access to credit pages.

-Fun tools to help you get creative and boost your notoriety.

Q: What can I do on the New Web?

A: We’ll be continuously making changes and improvements to the Web but you can start trying out cool stuff such as:

-Browse the news promos (some articles will still open in the old web).

-Make selfies.

-Profile pages (currently display basic info, lots more coming).

-Like your friends creations.

-See notifications about who liked your creations.

-Move to and from Hotel easily.

Remember though, this is only the start. A lot of what the future holds depends on you, so get involved!

Q: How do I get involved?

A: By joining our upcoming Habbo Web Beta polls and feedback activities. Stay tuned!

- Habbo Web Beta

Thanks to: @HabbocomNews

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