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Interesting interview with a Ambassador

Questions I: Did you receive any e-mails in regards for the ambassadors before it was ever spoke of?
No, I wasn't contacted via e-mail. I was contacted via minimail. Before receiving the minimail, I received friend requests from powertoo and WaltzMatilda. That was a big clue to me that something was up, but I had no idea that they added me because they were interested in recruiting me for the (Master) Ambassador position.

Question II: What made you accept the Head Ambassador position? Was it something you might have turned down?
I accepted the Master Ambassador position because I genuinely believe that I am a good leader. I would never turn down an opportunity to help improve the Habbo community. Habbo has been an integral part of my life for over 10 years now, and I have been very lucky to have been a part of many cool community initiatives. I think the Ambassador program will help improve the overall atmosphere of public rooms, and help new Habbos feel welcome in the hotel

Question III: Do you see this benefitting the general Habbo public, or is it something that they are doing so they don't have to pay for Moderators?
Due to the specificity of the role (our duties are almost exclusively carried out in the public rooms), I wouldn't go so far as to say this benefits the entire Habbo public at large. I will say, though, that I think those Habbos who frequent public rooms may find that the chat atmosphere will be a lot more clean. The idea is to help cut down on flooding, bullying, and inappropriate behavior in general in the public rooms.
They are implementing this program for the community, not because they don't want to pay for Moderators. Ambassadors are not Moderators. Ambassadors are simply experienced Habbos who have been placed in a position to help welcome new users to the hotel, and to help keep the public rooms clean of inappropriate behavior.

Question IV: What has one of the challenges been thus far with being an Ambassador?
There have a been some Habbos who are questioning the motives of the Ambassadors. Habbos (myself included) are generally resistant to change. So when they see a new program like this being implemented, their first instinct can be to attack it or to question the motives of the Habbos involved. My hope is that these Habbos will eventually understand that the Ambassador program is an entirely positive thing. It's an initiative to help keep the public rooms clean of bad behavior, and to help welcome new players to the hotel that we have all grown to love

Question V: How does working with two other Head Ambassadors run like? Do you, or have you made any connections with them?
The other Head Ambassadors are incredible. It has been such a great experience working with them, and I look forward to continue developing that relationship

Question VI: Do you think that the Ambassador choices are bias as to who get it or not? Though they state that they had chosen them based upon their activity on habbo, and their presence in the Guardians... do you find that to be true?
Of course Habbos are going to claim that there is bias in decisions like these, but from my personal experience, I don't believe there was any bias. It's not like I was sitting down and having tea with the Habbo staff every afternoon before being selected as an Ambassador. I was not Habbo friends with powertoo or WaltzMatilda until a day or two before I received the minimail asking if I was interested in joining the program.
All of the Ambassadors who were selected were active Guardians, so that was certainly one of the criteria. Although I'm unsure of the specifics surrounding the other criteria, I believe that account activity, cleanliness (in other words, no bans), and age were certainly factors. I think that they also checked to see if you had proven your commitment to the community in some way, shape, or form, too. For example, I was part of the Habbo X program, and I believe that another member was involved in the Habbo Council. Perhaps those elements played roles in the selection process, but perhaps they did not.
The only thing I know for sure about the selection process is that it was critical that you were an active Habbo Guardian

Question VII: Any funny stories that you've encountered so far?
I've had a few funny stories. There is a lounge called the "NX Lounge" which is only accessible to new players, and in the lounge there is a cool voting system. A "hot topic" will appear on the screen, and each Habbo gets to give the topic a thumbs up or a thumbs down. One particularly funny example was one time when the topic was "Justin Bieber", and a sea of red "thumbs down" appeared", with zero green thumbs up. The players then had a few minutes of bonding over their mutual hatred for Justin Bieber, which I found to be quite hilarious.

Would just like to thank drew for the interview, it definitely brought light to some of the ins and outs of the Ambassadors.

Thanks to!

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