Imported News

New baby pets coming soon!

Thanks to @Habbocomnews!

8 replies on “New baby pets coming soon!”

You seem to be mistaking yourself for being an idiot. Take consideration that this is old and you are wrong. Deal with it.

Well, maybe a lot of us is ONLY following Puhekupla? Then I would be VERY happy if the reporters here make news about upcomming stuff, even if they're an week old since the "I'm best love me or I'll comment shit on all your commentpages" posted it at their crappy fansite. I'll ONLY follow Puhekupla, bbc it's an clean site, withoute any annoying Auto-started Radio. And most of all: Puhekupla is written in English, something I understand.

Thanks for my word, now, please stop say all this bullshit, I'm getting so tired of this. We can't all be the best.
//Jocke (reading at Puhekupla since loooooong time ago! Maybe before you were born?)

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