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Prices of the new clothing

19 replies on “Prices of the new clothing”

Loving the fact Habbo/Sulake has to steal ideas from other online games like Soon Habbo will let you turn into animals like Bitty Bay...

Lasuni is the one "stealing" from Habbo though. Seen how similiar they are like, even though Habbo had lots of stuff before them.

Not really, Lasuni has so much habbo doesn't have. Lasuni allows users to collect and craft their own furniture and clothing, walk around massive spaces (Hubble for example), it has outside and inside spaces, a complete different VIP system, A 'main' feed for users, User profiles are more 'free', AOTM System.

May I just add, a lot of 'Lasuni Ideas' have been stolen BY Habbo, before Lasuni has been able to add them to the game (Lasuni used to post ideas on the blog and Habbo would steal the ideas). Habbo/Sulake has also been known to steal from ideas Bitty Bay.

Bitty Bay steals it's ideas from Habbo all the time. The creator of Bitty Bay is a former Habbo Hotel player, go figure.

How long has Habbo been an online game for? I'm sure anyone who creates an online game like Lasuni, BittyBay, etc. would have played Habbo. They had to have been interested in a game like Habbo at one point for them to even consider making their own online game.

Will you keep them for ever, is it a time limit or what? If they are just for rent I'll get disappointed.

Sulake hits bottom. The French players are unhappy with this new (see MTC). We hope that this innovation is an international flop.

Sulake touche le fond. Les joueurs Français sont mécontents de cette nouveauté (voir MTC). Nous espérons que cette nouveauté soit un bide international.

Sulake made another game like habbo years ago that was made for disney (virtual magic kingdom or VMK) and they had this system , so they got it there probably. just surprised me it took them this long to put it into habbo

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