Imported News

New update for camera + new feature!

The new update for the camera:

This is the new feature:

You use the feature with strg + mouse wheel.

8 replies on “New update for camera + new feature!”

Proof or it didn't happen.

So no filters/effects anymore for camera? That isn't really an update xD
The scroll to zoom is much better now. But the "strg" button let's just call it "ctrl" :$

Its pretty +- they are still in the swf so ;p
But yeah now it redirect's directly to the buy and it upload's without buying it ;p

But I already saw both of the functions at the build of 27/11 ;p but I edited the swf at Camwijs so I we can still use the filters and the camera (Its working by me already)
And I saw the scoll zoom also in the swf with a bool when I wanted to fix the better zoom :P but it was too hard to fix it and now I need to update again :( the zoomout is soo ugly right now xd

@me as guest ;p
Woops the scroll function is a new one the old one was double click
A proof from the 27/11 scripts:
if (((((getBoolean("mouse.zoom.enabled")) && ((_arg4 == MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK)))) && (_arg6)))

CTRL + MouseWheel Zoom feature is since 5. december 2014 habbo build.
And camera buy dialog since 3. december 2014 or previously.

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