Imported News

New codes!

navigator.roomsettings.modify_wall_floor_paper=Floor and Wall style
navigator.roomsettings.no_room=You need to be in the room to modify this


navigator.roomsettings.current_style=You currently have this style in your room.

furni.owner=Owner: %name%

bot.skill.chatter.configuration.chat_prompt=Add new chat line

- Updated by HenkAkaYasin -

navigator.roomsettings.wall = Wall
navigator.roomsettings.wallfloor = Wall & Floor

One reply on “New codes!”

Looks interesting.
I assume this is some updates to room settings and bots due to people asking for these updates.

I would assume we're also getting an update to the furni info box as Macklebee explained all text on the game will be changing to Ubuntu instead of Volter due to rendering issues.

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