Imported News

New public rooms coming soon!

More information about the new public rooms here:

15 replies on “New public rooms coming soon!”

No. :@ Public rooms are rooms which are not made by existing furni. This is just a guest room which will get a special place inside the navigator.

The room looks ugly imo.

These aren't public rooms, Public rooms are habbo dev made rooms, hand drawn, zoomed out and are rooms inside the hotel or spaces near the hotel. habbo just needs to call these like, sponsored rooms

Well, we're not at 2009 anymore. The time moves on, and the screens get bigger. How does an out zoomed room look today? Like the smallest thing you've ever seen. No, Habbo have changed, just deal with it. Things aint what they used to be! I'm glad they're making something new, but yes, I agree, the room is'nt the best.

It would still be awesome if they would be able to merge some real, oldskool, public rooms together (like the hallway was) and add it as one room in the navigator. :o :)

Does anyone know exactly why habbo took away the original zoomed out public rooms? its like whatever the community loves they take it away. weird

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