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2 new bundlebadges + EXCLUSIVE CONTENT -update4

New badge added, telling us there's a new room bundle comming.

Frosty Winter Castle Bundle
For purchasing the Frosty Winter Castle Bundle

Update 2 @ 19:17 by Joke
As an anonymous guest commented, there's another bundle comming soon. See the badge below.

Fireside Chalet Bundle
For buying the Fireside Chalet Bundle

Thanks, Guest-141a5!

Update 3 @ 19:46 by Joke
As more details shows up in the Habbofiles, I've stumbled over the dates for the upcomming bundles.

Frosty Winter Castle
DROP THE BRIDGE…and let in the warmth! This frosty winter castle comes equipped with all the ice-covered furni any royal Habbo could desire. From the ice covered motto to the frosted turrets - you're protected. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 7th - 13th January

Fireside Chalet
Its been long day of winter fun and now all you want to do is relax by the fire with your friends. So kick off your snow boots put on your slippers and get ready for a snuggly fireside night in. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 22th January - 1st February

Update 4 @ 3rd January 18:59 by Joke
Okay, I've messed a little up. The badge mentioned in update 1 was not new. I didn't really think over the title, where it is clearly that it is from an event in the early summer of 2014. Habbo must have deleted and reuploaded it, because it popped up as new. See the original update 1 below;


Schreibwerkstatt Juni 2014
Für die Teilnahme am Schreibwerkstatt Wettbewerb

The text above is in german, because the badge currently only exists on It translates into somewhat like
Writing Workshop in June 2014
For participating in the writing workshop competition

8 replies on “2 new bundlebadges + EXCLUSIVE CONTENT -update4”

Also another room bundle coming soon:

[b]Fireside Chalet Bundle[/b]
For buying the Fireside Chalet Bundle

Badge name: J14B2

Oh, the badge is not uploaded yet. We'll be waiting for that to come, but I'll let the broken image stay, so it'll show up at upload time :).

Maybe on .nl it will be given out in a competition, but it exists in the catalogfiles for .com :).

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