Imported News

New codes: Attic

Furni is comming:

["attic15_bigshelf","Attic Shelf","Dusty plates stacked high."]
["attic15_bigtable","Covered Long Table","One loose leg that keeps falling off."]
["attic15_box","Cardboard Box","Full of forgotten furni..."]
["attic15_cabinet","Broken Vanity","Wipe off the dust to see your future...."]
["attic15_carpet","Antique Carpet","Covered in decades of dust."]
["attic15_chair","Dusty Chair","Covered in cobwebs..."]
["attic15_chest","Forgotten Toy Chest","They say the toys come alive at night..."]
["attic15_clock","Grandfather Clock","Hickory dickory dock."]
["attic15_cradle","Wooden Cradle","Rockaby baby..."]
["attic15_crn","Attic Corner","Old weathered wood."]
["attic15_divider","Attic Divider","Old weathered wood."]
["attic15_gate","Attic Gate","Old weathered wood."]
["attic15_lamp","Broken Lamp","60% of the time, it works every time."]
["attic15_mousetrap","Mouse Trap","Squeak squeak, snap."]
["attic15_oillamp","Oil Lamp","Probably older than Habbo..."]
["attic15_painting","Oil Painting","Portrait of the greatest."]
["attic15_paintingfloor","Pile of Paintings","Too dingy to hang."]
["attic15_shelf","Dingy Shelf","Full of dusty clutter"]
["attic15_sofa","Dusty Old Sofa","Covered in mouse nibbled fabric..."]
["attic15_table","Covered Side Table","Perfect place for an oil lamp."]
["attic15_tele","Attic Door Tele","Follow the light..."]
["attic15_telescope","Cosmos Telescope","Great for star gazing..."]
["attic15_wall","Attic Wall","Weathered wooden walls"]
["attic15_window","Attic Window","Fireflies light the night..."]

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