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Codes & images: Attic offer

targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare1_offer.desc=Hidden amongst the dingy cardboard boxes, old wooden furni and piles of paintings you find...a RARE! Only here for a short time - Limited to 3 per person.

Offer includes:
- RARE Grandfather Clock (worth 25c)
- Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare1_offer.title=Forgotten Attic Rare

Grandfather Clock
Hickory dickory dock.

Grandfather Clock Rare
For purchasing the Grandfather Clock Rare.

4 replies on “Codes & images: Attic offer”

targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare1_offer.desc=Mellem nussede papkasser, gamle træmøbler og støvede bunker af malerier finder du...en RARE! Kun her for en kort tid - Og begrænset til 3 per person. <br><br> Tilbuddet omfatter:<br> - RARE Bedstefar ur (værd 25m)<br> - Eksklusivt skilt (gratis)
targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare1_offer.title=Glemte Loftrums Rare

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