Imported News

New public room sketches

Thanks to HLF

9 replies on “New public room sketches”

Im pretty sure they will have their own Furni. i've been hearing that these new public rooms arent gonna have actual furni in them. just tiles coded as chairs, like they did on shockwave but on flash it was actual staff Furni in them so maybe the rooms won't become "Glitchy" and be taken away

The public room images where already uploaded btw a while ago. Check @Habtium somewhere in news archive :P

Its sad that we'll never get back the old sun terrace and rooftop ETC but honestly im still excited for these new rooms. i was getting tired of badly made powertoo public rooms with 75% catalogue furni. now we have real public rooms again

Hopefully we can get the actual old public outdoor spaces. They have to stay true to how the hotel looks in hotel view.

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