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Vado Returns!

Hiya! (again!)

Five whole years ago, I originally started at Puhekupla, working as a graphic designer, then getting promoted to the Community Manager. Then, three years later in 2013, I left Puhekupla to follow other projects.

Well today, in 2015 (a whole five years after originally starting!) I’d like to announce that I am taking over Puhekupla as an official owner!

Don’t worry though! Mark will still be here over seeing things, however I will be running the show (or website, if you will). Nothing will change in terms of website or how we run things.

We still aim to be the best Habbo fansite, providing the community with the latest Habbo news and updates.

By Vado & Mark
Puhekupla Owners

25 replies on “Vado Returns!”

Hello, Shorty, please contact me at info@puhekupla to talk about this, no need to make it public like that. Thanks :) (*)

No offence but make a decision, leave or stay here or create your own fansite or whatever xD

Welcome back anyway :D

Hey Laurens! Thanks heaps :)

I left here to follow other projects, then got asked to come back :P But I am here to stay now :P (*)

i don't like vado. adults should not be playing a social site for teens. it doesn't feel right. i hate people over 16 that play this game. its a waste of money and you can play retros for free<< yes free. jesus christ

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