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New public rooms

21 replies on “New public rooms”

there is! the games room contains the battle banzai caterpillar seats and HC Lounge LED lights behind DJ are also catalogue furni.

Wow just wow habbo. Nice effort but... Brick walls inside a hotel with moss growing, 4 different floor styles in a room, 4 different wall styles, same dull blue in each room?... This is a great disappointment compared to the splendour and grandness of the old hallways...

just appreciate them man. rather have these new ones or the replicas we got with cata furni? and they're not even done. see all the blank doors in the hallways? those are gonna be more rooms and in the game room those arcade machines are gonna be battle bal, snowstorm, fast food and even more games. go on if u wanna go inside them. they're actually amazing

Well to each his own, I find them dull and uninspiring. What happened to the bright room designs of the past! Where rooms actually made design sense and were works of pixel art. These ones look so dead with that depressing blue colour scheme which is overused and is found in most rooms. I mean, could they not have taken more time to actually think about design? At least give windows and clouds to cafe? The sophisticated halls of the past? Now these look likes walls of some dingy motel! The HC Lounge, wasn't there supposed to be a DJ in the wall? Now theres guest furni on the walls! Guess habbo was too lazy to do some extra coding. Great disappointment i find. The best room is that old public room with the bright colours and chromide club tank. No wonder for that was older and when habbo still knew how to make public rooms.

So what do you think about the rooms we got back in 2012? the new lido and everything? seems like you'd rather have those ones cuz those are 100x worse than the rooms we have now. habbo still actually put effort into these rooms with all the coding and backgrounds and all the cool public furniture. the rooms load almost instantly like the originals too. and BTW the chromide club had extremely dull colors, both the 1st and 2nd room but ppl still loved them. these new rooms are all vibrant color wise. take off the nostalgia goggles man. these room are great and yeah i miss the old ones too but im ready to get used to these new ones

of course those 2012 rooms were also bad. but again, if they wanted to create new rooms. They could have made them better. Rooms are okay but the hallways are truly hideous and needs fixing. The furni is mismatched for gods sake! you'd think as designers they would have done a better job. Im saying the designers could have done a better job at mixing colours and making the place more vibrant! the hallways are seriously dull and they should fix that! glass windows but no clouds. cafe and hallways all use the same colour. boring white walls with chunks of brick...the furniture seem randomly placed and all over the place. It does look very gloomy and dull, which habbo isn't supposed to be! (just look at hotel view)

and just pointing out theres a mistake with the brick wall in image 5. the brick wall isn't drawn right. This is the best hallway though.

aye man i respect your opinion but i think we should just be satisfied with this after bugging the devs for 4 years even tho they shouldnt have removed them in the 1st place. this is a major upgrade from the ones we have on .com and they bring back that real hotel feel back to habbo which it hasnt had since the shockwave days. exploring these rooms is really fun and just wait till they come to .com i think youll enjoy them atleast a little bit

Yup just went on them. They look just okay, hate how everything you click shows that pop up box like catalogue furni does. at least 2012 public room furni acted like real public rooms. The only room where theres no real furni is the NX club. that is a proper public room, the designer still claimed that style of rooms was defunct and unsupported..;

They really look amazing. I love the hidden Easter Eggs and how all the Hallways join up. There is 1 thing I'm not loving but I'm sure I'll get used to it, the transparent pillar in the coffee house, it wouldn't look terrible if it wasn't transparent at all.

I can't wait to see the extra rooms that have spaces.

Depressing ugly rooms. If you want rooms to be fun for people to enjoy, atleast make them somewhat colorfull.

Looks pretty nice, but is this builded with the building club furniture?
Or did they use a background image...

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