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New offers - Banzai Robo Rare + Candy Land -update

targeted.offer.bbroboraretr_tto.desc=Bright lights and big robots, thats what Banzai is about. This Robo Rare is the biggest, baddest and brightest in the whole wide Habboverse, and sure to set your Banzai arena above the rest.

Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes:
- Banzai Robo Rare (worth 25c)
- Banzai Robo Badge (for free)

targeted.offer.bbroboraretr_tto.title=Banzai Robo Rare

Banzai Robot Rare
For purchasing Banzai Robot Rare

Update 14:25:

targeted.offer.clandrare1_tto.desc=When you play a game of candy, you win or you get a sugar crash. Hold tight Habbos, an AWESOME Candy Throne is coming.
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes:
- Candy Throne Rare (worth 25c)
- Throne Badge (for free)

targeted.offer.clandrare1_tto.title=Candy Throne Rare


targeted.offer.clandrare2_tto.desc=WOAH. This offer is so unbelievable, i almost fell of my unicorn! A whole lot of magic in one rare, Habbo. Use it wisely.
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes:
- Magical Candy Unicorn Rare (worth 25c)
- Unicorn Badge (for free)

targeted.offer.clandrare2_tto.title=Magical Candy Unicorn Rare


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