Imported News

New achievements: Haloompa

ACH_HaloompaFeeding1 - ACH_HaloompaFeeding10

ACH_HaloompaFeeding11 - ACH_HaloompaFeeding20

ACH_HaloompaRespectGiver1 - ACH_HaloompaRespectGiver10

ACH_HaloompaRespectGiver11 - ACH_HaloompaRespectGiver20

ACH_HaloompaLevelUp1 - ACH_HaloompaLevelUp10

ACH_HaloompaLevelUp11 - ACH_HaloompaLevelUp20

6 replies on “New achievements: Haloompa”

all this is copyrighted material, I will be contacting their rightful owners to see if Habbo or Sulake has the permission to use this in the hotel along with other questionable inserts that may also require legal rights to use in Habbo, prepare for another shutdown lol

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