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New codes

landing.view.army15basecamp.body=ATTENTION! Welcome to Fort Duckson, the desert basecamp thats a cut above the rest. From medical tents and watchtowers, to shipping containers full of army surplus - You wont be left high and dry in this desert! Includes EXCLUSIVE Furni + badge
landing.view.army15basecamp.button=See the bundle
landing.view.army15basecamp.header=Fort Duckson Bundle
landing.view.army15clothes.body=At ease, Solider. As a new recruit, you need to dress the part - From camouflage to combat, and all the side hats and parade uniforms in between - Habbo Couture: Military is sure to deliver
landing.view.army15clothes.button=Suit up!
landing.view.army15clothes.header=Habbo Couture: Military Clothing on sale NOW!
landing.view.army15diamondold.body=That special time of year is almost here; We are soon to say goodbye to the Diamond furni of 2014...and hello the DAZZLING Diamond furni 2015! Get your hands on 2014 furni before it leaves the Hotel forever...
landing.view.army15diamondold.button=See the furni
landing.view.army15diamondold.header=LAST CHANCE: Grab the last of Diamond Furni 2014!
landing.view.army15diamondsnew.body=Shine bright like a DIAMOND! A special hello to the DAZZLING Diamond Collection 2015! This years collection brings a new range of paintings and statues, crafted by the great artists of our time.
landing.view.army15diamondsnew.button=See the furni
landing.view.army15diamondsnew.header=HELLO, Diamond Furni 2015!
landing.view.army15furni.body=Are you all about that base(camp), 'bout that base(camp)? The don't miss your chance to snap up this robust Army furni. Prefer the high tech gadgets and running things behind-the-scenes? Then HQ Furni is for you! Full line exclusive to BC. Limited furni available in the catalogue.
landing.view.army15furni.button2=To the warehouse
landing.view.army15furni.button=Check it out
landing.view.army15furni.header=ATTENTION - Army Furni now in BC & on sale!
landing.view.army15hqbundle.body=Hidden deep underground, these military headquarters are the contains all the high-tech monitoring equipment you need to keep control of the troops and your eye on the enemy. Includes EXCLUSIVE Furni + Badge
landing.view.army15hqbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.army15hqbundle.header=Habbo Forces HQ Bundle
landing.view.army15lastchance.body=Are you all about that base(camp), 'bout that base(camp)? The don't miss your chance to snap up this robust Army furni. Prefer the high tech gadgets and running things behind-the-scenes? Then HQ Furni is for you! Full line exclusive to BC. Limited furni available in the catalogue.
landing.view.army15lastchance.button=See the Furni
landing.view.army15lastchance.header=LAST CHANCE - Army Furni leaves soon...
landing.view.army15ltd.body=WOAH - That's right - It's Army LTDs! Whether you're rollin' through the desert in a HumVee with your friends, or drawing up careful reports on your mahogany desk; there's an Army LTD for everyone! Available in limited quantities, don't miss out...
landing.view.army15ltd.header=PSST.. Army LTDs are coming!

landing.view.eas15flower.body=Welcome to Habbo Farms - your very own slice of pixel heaven. Filled with flowers from the soil to the sky, this pre-decorated room bundle is packed with everything the blossoming green-fingered gardener could need! Perfect place for a romantic picnic, or an afternoon ride on your horse! Don't miss out...
landing.view.eas15flower.button=Check it out!
landing.view.eas15flower.header=Frank's Floral Farm Bundle

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