Imported News

5 new offers soon -update

targeted.offer.armyrares_tto.title=ATTENTION! Rare Army Offer

targeted.offer.armyrare1_tto.desc=Whether you're tracking a storm as it crosses the ocean, or following an F-16 as it weaves through the pixel skies...this Global Satellite Screen Rare is sure to help you keep your eyes on the prize. Don't miss out...

Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes:
- Global Satellite Screen Rare (worth 25c)
- Rare Badge (for free)

Global Satellite Screen
Army Bootcamp 2015

targeted.offer.armyrare2_tto.desc=WOOF! Fitted with kevlar vest, Hector the German Shepherd is here to protect and serve. Only here for a limited time, this fierce and furry Army Rare is the perfect addition to your army battalion. Don't miss out...

Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes:
- Hector the German Shepherd Rare (worth 25c)
- Rare Badge (for free)

Hector the German Shepherd
Army Bootcamp 2015

targeted.offer.armyrare3_tto.desc=Put on your best camo and get ready for the ride of your life in the HABBOCOPTER. This noisy rare has enough space for SIX Habbos and is the perfect addition to your Army room. Don't miss out...

Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes:
- HabboCopter Rare (worth 25c)
- Rare Badge (for free)

Army Bootcamp 2015

Update 13:42

targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr1.title=Soldier Starter Pack

targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr1.desc=Welcome to Habbo Forces, soldier. Here is your supply kit with everything you need to get you through your military career. Don't miss out...

Offer is limited to one per person and includes:
- 75 Bronze coins (worth 75c)
- HC 1 month (worth 25c)
- Military Parade Uniform (worth 15c)
- X-Ray Scanner Rare (worth25c)
- Rare Badge (for free)

targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr2.title=Sergeant's Special Supply Kit

targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr2.desc=You've trained hard and now you're at the top of the military food chain. As a sergeant you can get your hands on this very own SUPER snazzy supply kit. From crisp new uniform to more diamonds than you can fit in your pockets - this supply kit is here to impress. Don't miss out...

Offer is limited to one per person and includes:
- Emeral Ring (worth 100c)
- HC 3 months (worth 60c)
- Military Parade Uniform (worth 15c)
- X-Ray Scanner Rare (worth 25c)
- Security Fence (x4) (worth 16c)
- Security Fence Corner (x4) (worth 12c)
- Exclusive Foot Locker (worth 4c)
- Rare Badge (for free)

X-Ray Scanner
Army Bootcamp 2015

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