Imported News

The end: Habbo DK, NO & SE

Denmark, Norway and Sweden Hotel were definitely closed. A few minutes before closing, the three hotels totaling over 800 online users.

FAQ: Closure of Nordic Hotels
A huge thank to all of the amazing people who made Danish, Norwegian and Swedish sites such a great place and welcome anyone who has chosen to join and play here in .com!

Some data:

+ 3.250.000 registered users
+ 28.800 created groups
+ 7.327.500 created rooms

+ 4.973.200 registered users
+ 26.590 created groups
+ 9.446.700 created rooms

+ 3.643.050 registered users
+ 39.350 created groups
+ 8.408.800 created rooms

In our staff list staff list and Twitter @Puhekupla_Staff you can stay informed about the events of the local staffs.

13 replies on “The end: Habbo DK, NO & SE”

This is really sad :(

I can understand Sulake's decision because the hotels barely had any active users... But it's still very sad. :(

Nice of them to create the rooftop. Its not original but much closer. Its so bittersweet i could imagine

what happens to the people who had credits do they get a transfer, if they don't thats just harsh. especially if you spent months upon years to make rooms n they didn't give you a chance to screen

Users that had bought credits got offered 200 credits, 12 months of BC and HC on any other hotel of their choice.

SE, NO and DK isn't the only hotels that experiences a huge decline in terms of users. All of the hotels do. And if nothing is done all hotels will face closure eventually.

Sulake is no longer an independent company. It's owned by the Finnish company Elisa. That means that if Elisa thinks that there's nothing to do in order to save Habbo they will just close all of its services in order to not lose any money. There’s no management at Sulake that will fight to make the company survive. If Sulake continues to experience rough times they will just wind up the company.

I know everyone is just saying that they want the "old Habbo" back. That is just nonsense. You have to evolve and continue to develop the service if you want it to survive. But the thing that needs to come back is the original Habbo-feeling. Habbo is no longer Habbo. Even if the name states it, there's nothing left of Habbo. Now it’s just some boring online game site.

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