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2 new room bundle coming soon -update

Ancients Jungle Bundle
Deep in the heart of Habbo Jungle, hidden amongst a mystical clearing in the swamp, you'll find the ancient Jungle. This pre-decorated room bundle has it all: towering waterfall, lush greenery and elegant flamingoes, PLUS ancient relics that have survived through the centuries. Includes EXCLUSIVE Rare + Badge! Don't miss out on this incredible bundle…

Ancients Jungle Bundle
For purchasing Ancients Jungle Bundle

Update 22/05
Military Mess Hall Bundle
It's noisy, messy and your favourite place on the whole army base. This camo coloured room bundle comes with all the fixins' any military establishment would come to expect; food, friend, a place to hang your weapons… and a RARE! Includes EXCLUSIVE Badge!

Military Mess Hall Bundle
For purchasing the Military Mess Hall Bundle

4 replies on “2 new room bundle coming soon -update”

they gotta stop with all these bundles and actually focus on finishing and perfect all the public rooms!

Again with the waterfalls and flamingoes, no point collecting nice stuff anymore when everything becomes common junk.

Precisely, they are damaging the economy by making items that are common even more common. All for making more $$$ there's just too much furni floating around and + habbos exploit the marketplace by dropping the price all the way down.

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