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CEO of Sulake announces news

In an interview for the site God is a Geek, the CEO of Sulake Antti-Jussi Suominen revealed that big news are coming this year.

"As it is our 15th Anniversary, there are lots and lots of exciting things planned beyond the 15th August and the mega-prize. We have a MASSIVE new game feature coming in around Halloween, we can’t say what it is right now, but it is a game-changer. Watch this space."
- Antti-Jussi Suominen, Sulake CEO.

To read the full story click here.

Some sites have published different parts of the statement. Look here!

18 replies on “CEO of Sulake announces news”

I'ts[b] Antti-Jussi Suominen[/b], not [b]Antti-Jussi Suominenm[/b]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

I don't think it's anything we've seen before guys, he said "game changer" so it's gonna be something new that we don't know

Everyone not lets forget fast food, the nect best original habbo game next to BB and SS. If they made that game more pixelly and habbo styled it would have been even better

Wobble squabble* is the best game next to BB and SS. fast food didn't feel like habbo. it didn't have that isometric view that's why it wasn't too popular

F*ck off, they brought back snowstorm pretty close to its original form but after a few weeks it was completely abandoned. Apparently the new Habbo generation doesn't care about that oldschool stuff.

First of all, everyone has an opinion and is free to express it. Second, at that time, instead of promoting snowstorm, they pushed the focus onto other things. Room building and building public rooms because they were too lazy to do so themselves were one of them. There were also many other games to choose from at that time ie Fast Food, habbo racing and all that nonsense. But even so there were still people playing snowstorm, just not as many as expected. I could still go in and play a game with a few other people. It wasn't as bad as they said it was.

Stop looking for excuses. It was very populair the first months but it starved a quick death after that. Snowstorm was removed for a second time with a reason. They brought it back, it failed and it will fail a next time.

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