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Building Tips and Tricks 'How to build a special window'

Hi Habbo!

This is the first article about buildingtips and tricks in the upcoming series. In the upcoming articles i will explain different tips and tricks to you. These building tricks will help you to ‘upgrade’ your room to the next level!

In this article i will explain you how to build a window. Nothing special, isn’t it? But, the tricky part is when you want to build behind the window. An example is placed at the right image. The ‘Skyscraper windows’ are placed behind the ‘cabin stone and wood tiles’, and behind the windows there is a little garden. In this article i will explain how to make the window like this!
IMPORTANT: You need BC (buildersclub) for this trick!

STEP 1 :
Make a new room or search a existing room. You have to check if you can build behind the wall, if you can’t just move your room to the right with the floor editor ( :floor ). You have to do this because you want to make a little garden or something else behind the ‘Skyscraper windows’. When you checked this make your room like you want it to be, but put the ‘Wall height’ on ‘6’, because 6 is high enough. You have to do make it bigger to put the ‘Skyscraper windows’ on it. (Check the image)

STEP 2 :
In this step it’s important to have the ‘Wall height’ on ‘6’, and you must have a place where you’re going to place the window. After this step you can’t change anything without trashing your room. So be sure you putted the ‘Skyscraper windows’ on the right spot and you like it this way. The easiest way to place the ‘Skyscraper windows’ in a good way is to use one window per ‘Cabin stone and wood tiles’, because these furni are equally wide. (Check the image)

STEP 3 :
In this step we’re going to use Floor editor ( type :floor in your chatbar ). In my case i’m getting this floorplan. (Check the image)

You can adjust this floorplan by clicking on the plus image. To gain the result we want it to be ( a garden behind our window ) we must add tiles behind the window. It’s important to keep a row of tiles between the garden and the normal room, otherwise the windows will move behind with the normal room wall. In my case i’m getting the following floorplan. ( You can adjust the garden the way you want it to be, big or small , background or not, it’s your choice).

When you’re doing it good you will get the following result when you apply the floorplan.

STEP 4 :
Well done! You’re almost done with your window! Apply furniture behind the window, just apply it the way you want it to. As an example on the following image;

Now you’re done and you can finish your room the way you want your room to be. You can use this trick to build more windows at once, like i did in the following example;

I hope my explanation is clear. When you’re experience any problems, do not hesitate and ask it. For questions i’m available at habbo.NL (habboname; ekant), on Habbo.COM (Habboname; Punkekant) and on twitter (@Habekje). You can also place a comment and i will reply ASAP.

Good luck and have a lot of building fun!

PS; This is not the only way to do it, but this is the easiest way to explain it

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