Imported News

The end of Habbo Stories

This morning, a news article was published in, announcing the end of Habbo Stories. Sulake, however, did not give any statement about why this feature is closed. This feature was only in beta version at, and Furthermore Habbo Stories was out of date for at least a month.

Habbo Stories arrived at the Hotel in August 2013, developed by the Finnish company Elisa and Futurice in order to replace the Game Center (SnowStorm, Habbo Food, etc...), however they never reached all the hotels. In it, users could share pictures, create selfies and participate in room promotions.

The closure of Habbo Stories may be linked to the arrival of the Camera and the development, by Sulake, of a new tool to facilitate the participation of room promotions for the new Habbo Web, which will arrive next year.

Click here to read the article.. (In spanish)

6 replies on “The end of Habbo Stories”

i love how muted the response to this removal was because no one cared for it. All the new ideas are so stale and boring.

As a game centre fan I was frustrated with habbo stories at first, but then I realized it makes people go creative. Also, photos are not like selfies. Oh well, now there's literally nothing left but building

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