Furni Imported News

20 new furni found


14 replies on “20 new furni found”

I'm not impressed by all this gold stuff. I hate when they half-arse it and just recolour things.

I'm resigned to the fact that Christmas 2010 is the best Habbo will ever do, and they'll never, ever get close to that again.

I only took issue with this furni because I thought this was the Xmas 2015 line. Now that I know that this isn't the Xmas 2015 line I don't really care. I can accept this furni for what it is - something to fill the gap between "Habboween" and Xmas, like the Cozy Kitchen line.

they are charging 350c + diamonds because of this... Its actually quite upsetting that they would do such a thing to milk profits out of young teenagers who dont know better....


Tomorrow (Nov-22) for 24 hours at 11:00am UK time, Midas the Gnome's gloriously glittering Pots of Gold will be available in the Catalogue!

Each Pot of Gold contains one of TEN solid gold rares, none of which will EVER be sold again.

The "Rares" in Gold Pot

[gold_c15_arc_tree1] // [gold_c15_arc_tree2] // [gold_c15_arc_tub] // [gold_c15_arc_table] // [gold_c15_arc_statue] // [gold_c15_arc_seat] // [gold_c15_arc_lamp] // [gold_c15_arc_geysir] // [gold_c15_arc_chair] // [gold_c15_arc_camp].

Posted on Habbo Instagram account.

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