Imported News

Behind the Scenes: Easter Clothing Update!

Q: HELLO, designers! How are you all today?

Sparkaro: “Hey hey! I’m doing fine thanks. Looking forward to some chocolatey Easter egg goodness.”

notMiceElf: “…It’s… it’s day time? Oh wow. I clearly need more coffee.”

Elementary_Kage: “Oh Hello! Thanks for joining us. I’m pretty good – feeling motivated!”

Cromsnosehair: “Hi there, I’m doing well thanks.”

Kukuyit: “Hello! Happy Easter Everyone!”

This Paparazzi Camera was made by Cromsnosehair.

Q: This project was a break from previous furni-focused ones, apart from the Habberge Egg LTDs of course. What was the focus on clothing design like compared to the more conventional, furni-type campaigns?

MrCroissant: “My personal focus was looking at what was currently popular. I trawled though various design blogs for inspiration, so most of my concepts are based on contemporary fashion. I also looked at the Habbo Design Forum on .COM for ideas, which is why the pyjamas, crown and the sportswear made it into my designs.”

notMiceElf: “I’ve always found clothing production hard to get into initially. Mostly because there’s only so much you can do before items start looking too similar and drawing animation frames can be sort of repetitive (that is to say ‘zzzz’) For those reasons whenever our focus is more clothing based I do it with bared teeth and Albert Einstein hair. True to form though, the team has made some really nice items for this update. I think our users will enjoy them.”

Kukuyit: “This was actually a pretty big project as clothing takes us longer to make because of all the animations and directions that are needed. It’s like working in the twilight zone; you just lose sense of time and space! We carefully chose pieces that we think Habbos would like to use on a daily basis as well as some quirky ones for those radical peeps out there, so we hope they like them!”

Now you can look either homeless, or like a hipster! Woooo!

Sparkaro: “The process of designing clothing is quite different to typical furni because we have to design how the clothing will look in each direction the Habbo moves in, and add animation frames if necessary, for example adding walk animation for trousers. So we have to think a bit more three dimensionally than with furni, which can be a little mind-boggling at times. Also most clothing tends to be available in a range of colours, meaning we usually draw them in greyscale and the different colour options are applied to the clothing via code.”

Cromsnosehair: “With clothing there are far more technical limitations to take into consideration. All clothes must conform to the basic character template and how it’s divided up for animation. Sleeves are very time consuming due to all the arm animations.”

Some of the initial sketches of the clothing by the designers. (ALL of which are coming to Habbo)

Q: Tell us about a piece of clothing or furni you worked on, and why you’re pleased with it.

Cromsnosehair: “When thinking about new clothes designs I realised that we were missing a classic piece of clothing – the cutoff jean jacket or denim waistcoat. Now you can dress your Habbo like Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead!”

Kukuyit: “Some of the pieces I did were the tuxedo outfit, new hipster hair for male avatars and hipster glasses, which I think is long overdue! My favourite one to make was the duck hat; I added a quacking animation for when the avatar speaks which I think is really cute.”

notMiceElf: “The space helmet was particularly fun to work on. Not ‘cus I like space (I do) but because it blocks out that odd ‘old person’ smell that emanates off of Frank like a crippling dust cloud of olfactory impairment.”

Sparkaro: “I worked on the Dragon Habberge Egg, which I designed a scale pattern for. I found that to be quite a challenging design to create in pixel form, but I’m pleased with how it turned out in the end! I also just like having an excuse to add a dragon into a furni to be honest. As for clothing, I made the mermaid hair, and I’m pleased with how the colours turned out on that.”

MrCroissant: “My personal favourite was the Brain Jar. It’s a pretty daft design but was fun to work on, especially adding in the coloured glow and the little brain pulse for when the Habbo talks.”

This Mermaid Hair is a rare furni, and was made by Sparkaro.

Q: If you were a fashion designer, what would your stage name be? Or line name?

Elementary_Kage: “I actually wanted to be a fashion designer for a short period of time back in school. All of the clothes I designed were inspired from anime and cartoons though so my line probably would have been ‘Anime chic’. Now I’d probably go for dystopian future fashion, functional in the event of a zombie attack!”

Sparkaro: “My stage name would be ‘Co Co Caro’ and my line name would be ‘Hypno-chic’, as there would be lots of mesmerising spirals and swirly patterns all over the clothing.”

Kukuyit: “If I were to make a line it would be cute, feminine leather camera bags. For the life of me I just cannot find a decent, reasonably priced one in the market. For any camera bag manufacturers out there, this is a money pot idea! I’ll probably call it…’Yubnub’, after my favourite word in Star Wars, haha.”

Cromsnosehair: “My fashion designer name would be Hugo Floss and I’d specialise in bikinis.”

notMiceElf: “Marc Jacobs. That’s taken? Darn.”

Q: Draw us YOUR take on what the Habbo Easter Bunny looks like.

Elementary_Kage: “My Easter bunny is getting too old for his job and just wants to hide chocolate eggs in peace. He’s HOPPING mad at all the kids on his lawn.”

Cromsnosehair: “Mine just laid a fresh ‘chocolate’ egg.”

MrCroissant: “Mines a little derpy. He mindlessly collects eggs, as it’s all he knows how to do.”

The designer’s takes on the Easter Bunny. Top, from left to right: Kukuyit, Sparkaro, Cromsnosehair. Bottom, left to right: Elementary_Kage, notMiceElf, MrCroissant.

Extracted from

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