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Having Trouble Verifying Your Habbo?


In 2012, we launched our very own style of Habbo home profiles... When we first launched them, they were a huge success! Worked great, looked great, felt great. Well... 4 years has passed, and a bit has changed. They still look great, they still feel great.. but, some parts, just don't work that great anymore.

Now, I'm not saying they don't work at all, there's just one minor glitch to having them work 100% well. AND, it's not even our fault.

Since launching Puhekupla profiles, you have been able to "verify" your Habbo avatar, by copying a code the site gives you into your actual Habbo motto. This would verify your Habbo. This still works, however, a lot of users say it doesn't work... well, read on, this will explain EXACTLY what to do and how to verify your Habbo for your Puhekupla profile.

- Do everything that you're instructed to do. (Copy & paste the code into your Habbo motto)
- Wait. Unfortunately, Habbo has made it so that the technical side of this mumbo-jumbo verification takes at least 10-15 minutes before it can verify.

I know, I know, it sounds really technical and complicated, and to be honest, we don't even understand it ourselves (well, we do..)...

So in conclusion, follow the instructions you're given, wait 10-15 minutes before verifying your Habbo on the Puhekupla profile (aka don't change the your motto with the code in it for 10-15 minutes) and wala, it'll work. (*)



One reply on “Having Trouble Verifying Your Habbo?”

Another thing to be fixed a hope is the Remember me-function, everytime I come back here I have to sign in again... :'(

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