Imported News

New code in the report tool

The new code is to "reporting tool". Each report has many options for inform bad behavior. of the users. Today has found new option to report .The code is:

help.cfh.topic.21=Somebody is threatening to harm themselves

This new option found on category "violent behavior". We present below a reference image:

7 replies on “New code in the report tool”

Great! When will you become a report here to post all the new stuff here? :D

And, for the rest of us, this is pretty new. I didn't know it before so I'm glad Puhekupla at least post it. This fansite have been pretty dead lately, unfortunately.

This tool is old, what is new is the code with the "Somebody is threatening to harm themselves" option

can habbo at least make the buttons fit better to the UI? These huge bright buttons should also have a bright colourful UI to go with but doesn't and looks like a mess. Do window boxes really have to take up so much screen space?

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