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New codes - Community Challenge vs. Barcelona - the classic Forecast will gain more followers? Challenge Challenge Challenge Pirates and Vikings are serious football geeks and they're getting ready for this month's big match: Madrid vs. Barcelona. The Pirates say the teams will score 3 or LESS goals between them, while the Vikings they say there will be MORE than 3 goals. Choose the right side to win a badge! City is one of the hottest cities in the world. On 22/04/2015, the average temperature there was 32°C. On 22/04/2016, the Pirates forecast the temperature to be LOWER. The Vikings think that climate change will increase the temperature there, and that on 22/04/2016 it will be HOTTER than the same day last year. Choose the right prediction to win a badge! from treasure trove to treasure trove takes time, so Pirates and Vikings enjoy music on their travels. While Pirates prefer Justin Bieber, Vikings like dancing to Selena Gomez songs. They're arguing over who will increase their fan base more on Twitter over the next week (as a percentage). If you choose the right side, you'll win a badge!

landing.view.vote_one_button.text.apr16challenge1=There will be 3 or less goals
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.apr16challenge2=2016 temp will be less than 32°
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.apr16challenge3=JB will gain more followers
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.apr16challenge1=There will be more than 3 goals
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.apr16challenge2=2016 temp will be more than 32°
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.apr16challenge3=SG will gain more followers

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