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Updates on HC Center

Today, in every hotel in world arrive the "HC Center", and the HC increase 50$ credits + 50 diamonds, or 120 credits + 120 diamonds. out about HC Payday, gifts, benefits and more in the HC Center >>
hccenter.breakdown.creditsspent=%credits% credits spent
hccenter.breakdown.paydayfactor.percent=+ %percent%% as HC Payday Credits
hccenter.breakdown.paydayfactor=* %percent% as HC Payday Credits
hccenter.breakdown.streakbonus=+ %credits% credits for streak bonus
hccenter.breakdown.title=Your breakdown this month: %credits% total credits! (rounded from %actual%) Massive clothing & colors selection
- Ad Free Experience
- Extra Dances & Chat Styles
- Earn double duckets
- Plus loads more...
hccenter.general.infolink=See all the benefits
hccenter.general.title=More HC Benefits: %timeuntilpayday%,
You'll get %numcredits% credits!
hccenter.special.amount.title=You'll be getting: members get credits back from catalog purchases each month.
hccenter.special.infolink=Learn more...
hccenter.special.sum=%credits% credits
hccenter.special.time.soon=Very soon!
hccenter.special.time.title=HC Payday is in:
hccenter.special.title=HC Payday

5 replies on “Updates on HC Center”

If being HC offered exclusive HC public rooms, exclusive games(unlimited SS/WW), more 'fun' things to do besides extra clothing and colours, at least it'll be worth it. Is habbo crazy, raising the price so high for something that isn't that exclusive anymore?? There's no point being HC

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