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April fools!

April fools!

Don't worry about your old accounts, because our article, posted four days ago, was an April Fools joke in collaboration with the fansites Habboster & MangeToiÇa.
Thanks to everyone involved in this joke, but also a big thankyou to the people that spoiled the joke early :).

Have a great 1st of April everyone!

10 replies on “April fools!”

merge_gift seems to be april fools too. Furnidata doesn't contain this furniture, so it's unlikely to be actually a thing from Habbo.

- Mika

The joke wasn't even funny, it was shitty of this fansite to even choose that as an April fools joke.

it wasnt an april fools joke it wasn't even on april fools. you were straight up lying to people

Habboster is a anti-habbo site, don't know if Habbo Staff is happy to see Puhekupla promoting such kind of site?

Joke was not funny either and obviously not on april fools day.

April fools jokes are actually played on the 1st of April not days before. You guys have lost the plot here. It wasn't funny it was lame as hell. If that is all you are capable of telling stupid news articles days before the actual April Fools day then I pity you and your stupid staff team.

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