Imported News

Designers talk about the next campaign

Q: Summer is coming, designers! Are you excited for the departure of rain, big coats and the grey skies of London?
Sparkaro: Yeah, can’t wait for the short bit of sunny weather before it’s back to doom and gloom again!
Kukuyit: Hi Habbo readers! Fingers crossed there’s lots of sun coming, last year was very rainy… boooo!
MrCroissant: I’m very excited for more sun! Can’t wait for barbecues and camping. Although, we still have plenty of April showers to get through before that… it’s not quite time to pack away the umbrella.
Cromsnosehair: Yes I’m looking forward to turning my heating off at home and getting outside to enjoy the sun!

Q: SO! Let’s get to it. This time around we have a return to a traditional furni line! Was it nice to concept an entire line, like you did for the Christmas and Habboween lines?
Cromsnosehair: It’s been a lot of fun doing the concept work for an interesting theme like this. While not being strictly fantasy it’s still an unconventional setting and provided the challenge of making sure everything looked organic or handcrafted.
Kukuyit: I think in general, full campaign lines are fun to concept. We did a lot of research for this line, looking at tropical plants and trees and figuring out how a tree house could all lock in together. Planning was very important because we needed to make sure that each furni worked well with each other so that everything looked integrated and not just stand-alone. We also needed to make sure the style and colour scheme was fit for other furni to be used alongside like the Tiki and Tribe lines.
MrCroissant: Outdoor furni usually involves lots of foliage that can be quite challenging to concept and make (at least for me). But I think it’s come together really nicely. My favourite stuff to design were the little bits and bobs you can scatter around a room to add those finishing touches.
Sparkaro: I’m glad we decided to go with the jungle theme. It was a lot of fun to concept the different types of things you’d find in a jungle, with all the tropical trees and flowers. It was interesting to think about what types of items and structures might be created using bits and pieces in the jungle or from a shipwreck, since we had the added element of Habbos being stranded and building tree houses. We came up with a lot of cool ideas and it was hard to choose between them!


Q: What do you think Habbos are going to like most about the furni line as a whole?
MrCroissant: I think a lot of the furni we’ve made for this campaign is pretty versatile and can be used with older lines, which should please building enthusiasts. Also judging by previous campaigns, Habbos seem to love trees, plants and flowers – there are plenty in this new line.
Kukuyit: Crafting is back on the table (literally!) in this campaign, and I think Habbos will have a lot of fun using the berries to ‘DIY’ their furni, giving it more of a personal touch.
Cromsnosehair: I think Habbos will enjoy using the trees and plant furni for building a truly exotic scene.
Sparkaro: I think they’ll like the new trees and plants, and all the customisable elements of the furni. We’re adding in a new way to customise furni, which I think the Habbos will have fun with!

Q: Out of the furni YOU made, which one do you like the most, and why?
Sparkaro: I’m pleased with how the Ancient Kapok Tree turned out with the different sizes to add some variation in room designs. It was quite a challenge to make due to its size. Drawing all those details made me descend into a leafy spiral of madness.
MrCroissant: The Jungle Pulley and Tropical Pond were fun to work on and it was quite challenging to get them to work correctly.
Kukuyit: My contribution to this campaign was minimal since the production period was during my holiday, but I really enjoyed making the sloth hat! They’re just the cutest and making their butt wiggle while the Habbo avatar talks is a dream come true.
Cromsnosehair: I had most fun with Charlie the orangutan. I enjoy doing character animations and try to make them amusing when possible.


Q: For fun, could you draw us your take on a famous Habbo character (Frank, Bonnie Blonde, Santini, etc) in FULL Habbo survival gear?
Sparkaro: Sure – mine’s of Bonnie Blonde!
Kukuyit: Yep – mine is ‘Wild Frank’.
MrCroissant: I chose to sketch an Explorer Duck! Let’s call him Timothy…
Cromsnosehair: Mine is called ‘Exploraider’…

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