Imported News

NOW HIRING: Room/Game Builders


As Puhekupla is expanding and getting bigger, we need some more help around here in the community department. We've got loads of things coming up in the next few months, so we are now looking for some room and game builders!

If you're a hard working creative person who loves to think up wacky, kooky and fun things for a large user base of viewers then this is the job for you! You'll be working closely with the production team of the website to bring new features to the community, along with weekly and monthly competitions.

- You must speak English, English as a second language is fine
- Must have correct spelling and grammar
- Act professional and mature
- Willing to put in 3-4 days of work
- Creative and a close eye to detail
- Experienced with Wired
- Exciting room and game creator
- Have innovative ideas for brand new/fun games

Does this sound like you?
Apply to be an Assistant Site Producer

Send the following information to [email protected] with the subject line "Puhekupla Application"

- Puhekupla username
- Habbo username
-Which hotel you play (e.g .COM)
- The main language you speak (English speaking essential, even as second language)
- Have you worked on previous fansites? If so, which ones?
- Do you have knowledge of pixel art? Can you make pixel images?
- Are you willing to put in 3-4 days of work for the website?
- In detail, why do you think you're the perfect person for the job?
- Do you have experience with building large scale rooms?
- What are some Habbo games you have created for a wide audience?
- Are you experienced with Wired?
- Anything else you'd like to add (including graphics, articles etc.)

Applications will close on the 1st of July. Applicants that are selected to go through to the second round will be contacted only by e-mail.

Good luck!

By Vado

5 replies on “NOW HIRING: Room/Game Builders”

Hahahahaha. "We've got loads of things coming up in the next few months." You said the same thing two months ago. Lol.

vado is a fucking idiot and doesn't know his ass from his foot, the retard

just fucking leave puhekupla to someone else

vado faggot

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