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Sulake balance in 2015

The Sulake is a Finnish company in the gaming market, and the Habbo is the main product that keeps your profits. Since 2013 it belongs to Elisa Telecommunications that too is Finnish. Last week was presented the general balance of the year 2015, statistics show profits and internal rates of the company, this is always released in the first months of the year, but in this year, it was announced only now.
According to the balance sheet, 2015 was a great period for Sulake - the same, it could not since 2010 mark a good net profit index, managed to get a great performance compared to other years.
Presented Statistics

The number of employees was 52 people, based on financial information of the company
According to statistics, the net profit of 12 months totaled 42,046,000 million of Euros, a large increase since 2014 Sulake managed to net sales only € 14,700.000 million of Euros. The growth percentage was 187.0%;
The ratio of capital (Report of a company's accounts, in order to determine any financial characteristic is its solvency, risk, level of value or quality as investment) based in million euro ended in 60.8%
But the social capital, which is the amount required to set up and start operations while the company does not generate enough resources to sustain stood at 39,606.42 euro APRH;
Finally, the number of shares registered 1663.080 PRH.

The data are from the finland stock exchange
Thanks to ::Bizus

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