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Goodbye Vado


Starting work at Puhekupla in 2010 as a graphic designer, and working my way up over 6 long years to eventually co-owning and managing the site, a lot has changed these past months.

Unfortunately, after a long and lengthy year of working at Puhekupla for the second time round, I regret to inform the community about my resignation from as an owner. I was privellegd enough to work with some absolutely amazing, talented, beautiful souls during my 6 (almost 7) long years with the site.

I helped launch a lot of different things to the site, from user profiles to unique monthly competitions, as well as managing the community and helping run one of the most famous and most popular Habbo fansites around. When I think back to my days, it used to excite me to create, build, and experience the user base on Puhekupla. The members on that site were always different, they were extremely opinionated and hilariously funny.

Probably my favourite thing of all time was being the second fansite (after Habbox) to run a fansite event on Habbo its self, which opened the doors to new opportunities, exciting possibilities. I remember when Habbox had their weekend, and because it was the first, they played it safe, but if you know me, you know I don't quite do anything "safe"... I branded EVERYTHING, from the infamous yellow Puhekupla badge on Habbo (which most of you have!) to getting to use the brand new badge wired in my very own room... ah, the good old days...

A lot of people disliked me and my attitude towards Puhekupla, however, being the owner of a fansite like that you needed to have thick skin, you needed to be able to look outside the box and say to yourself, you're running a legacy, which is what I did. The past few months have been extremely difficult for me to come to terms with what is really happening.

In early 2015, Mark, the owner of Puhekupla asked me to return after I had resigned in 2013, he himself was moving on with life and wanted to keep the site running, so he intrusted me. The entire weight of the website was put onto my shoulders, having no support in regards to updating code, just simply running the site. It was extremely difficult for me to do, as I was myself moving on in my real life.

So, we come to 2016... I knew Puhekupla needed a "kick up the bum", so I set out to hire some amazing new staff (and hang on to the talented team we already had), I enlisted Habmoon to potentially take over me in the role I had. There was a lot of confusion as to what was happening with the site as we had been so inactive for so long after not re-gaining the official status (mainly because kitchenninjette hated my guts)...

Now, we're in August. I wanted to do something special for Puhekupla. Mark and I had already previously been in talks about closing the site down as it was all getting too much to handle, with both our real lives and our commitment to such a fantastic fansite. I wanted to go out with a BANG... Obviously Mark declined, which leads us to today. My resignation.

I would like to thank the Puhekupla community, my fans, and the Puhekupla team for all of their hard work over the several years Puhekupla has been open. From Lab-Rat to Kedessa, from Mark to Liquefiedfilth, and everyone in between. You are really what made Puhekupla great. We were always on top with the latest news, innovative features, and groundbreaking secrets about the Habbo game.

As of right now, I do not know what the future will hold for Puhekupla. I was teasing about an upcoming announcement coming late August, which has now been cancelled. Puhekupla and its spirit will forever live on in all of our souls.

You will forever and always be in my heart.

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